This Blog will mainly showcase on games that are playable or not using Intel Chipset 945GM with my current hardware spec and OS through my testing and analyze. Dedicated to all 945GM Gamerz.

To all Intel 945GM user, always update your graphic driver to the latest.

Click here to go to the download site

-Always post your comment in the related post topic.
-Don't spam
-Avoid offensive words
-Be friendly to others
-Check the Gamelist Section before you ask anything
-Don't request me to test games that are not in the List

-The GAMELIST SECTION is through my analyze and testing, If you have any findings and matter to ask or discuss, post it at the DISCUSSION SECTION

-If you miss any updated news, you can always check back by clicking the "older post" link in the end of the posts
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The Father of this Blog, ElbErtZaI

Sunday, September 28, 2008

WIndow Vista

I have been receiving technical issue in gaming on Window Vista.
So from now on i will analyze and test the games using Vista OS to see if they are playable or not in a new Section.

Stay tuned for further notice..


Anonymous said...

i was wondering if i can play RE4 using 3danalyzer..
and if i can what tweaks do i check?

Anonymous said...

oh and i forgot to mention half life 2

Anonymous said...

oops sorry for triple post...
also i heard
call of duty 2 can run with 3danalyzer also...
i have
2gig ram
Intel Core 2 Duo processor T5500
1.66 Ghz

what settings do i tweak for each of these games

Anonymous said...

Is there any chance that Wanted: weapons of Fate would run in a 945gm?

Anonymous said...

i wonder if anyones's gotten system shock working in the 945gm, i've tried a lot of things but it always crashes in the beggining, maybe it's vista.

polik said...

Guys what about kotor II?